Friday, December 14, 2012

Two Sweeties

Hello!  It has been quite some time since I last posted.  There are two little sweeties that I would like to feature as they have stolen my heart.  I would LOVE to say that I think I can take on more at this point but to be honest, I have been TOTALLY whipped by trying to keep up with the four we have!!  I have listed information about these little ones that have completely stolen my heart.  They have both been waiting for some time and I would LOVE to see them come home to a family! 

There are videos of both children through our agency.  They are listed under the China Waiting Children program through the Mao Ming orphanage.

Precious "Dylan."  He has Down Sydrome, is two years old and just is the sweetest thing!!! 

"Danny" has the same special need as Carey (Spina Bifida, meningocele).  He will likely need a wheelchair.  I can easily envision this little guy whipping around in a high tech wheelchair.  His smile is INFECTIOUS!! 
Be still my heart.  If you are interested in learning more about these two adorable little ones, you may go to visit their China adoption page.  From there, go to the waiting children page and then click on the Mao Ming orphanage.  There are videos and pictures available on the website. 

Monday, August 13, 2012

Jianna Day

One year ago at this very moment, PA, Mary, Laura, Adam and I were in China, Baihai Park to be exact! We had gotten up early to eat breakfast and see some sights before we would travel one hour away to go meet and bring home, our little Carey. I remember the surreal feeling! I remember feeling almost numb, like I was dreaming. I was excited, concerned, scared and joyfilled all at the same time. I knew that in a few short hours our lives and the life of one little sweetie would change forever.

The Chinese people love to see people with blonde hair.  The kids were like celebrities and people would frequently stop us asking for pictures.

The White Pagoda

Entering into the Orphanage grounds

Our first glimpse of our little girl! Notice, it is only 7 minutes after arriving.

PAPERWORK!!  They had us sign papers when Jianna was coming and even right after she arrived in the room.  I wasn't even looking at the paper.  My signature, I am sure is an unrecogizable scribble as I didn't even try to form the letters!!!

One very scared little girl.  In the next few days we would see a fiesty, sweet, smart, survivor that was used to taking charge so she could get what she needed.

Happy big sister!

A smile!!

The nanny held Carey the entire time.  They gave us instructions to walk to the van, get in and they would hand her to me!!  UGH!  After that, she was terrified  and would scream a primal scream each time we would go to get into or out of the van.  I am sure she thought she was going to be abandoned. 

Back at the hotel


One Year Later

Still sweet and fiesty but now knows it is not up to her to make sure she gets what she needs, she has a Mommy and Baba that will do that for her. 

She loves her teaset we purchased for her while in China.

No words needed!!

Growing tall!!

Five of my favorite people!!!!

Have I ever said, I LOVE her ears????  Love them!!

Our Family at This Little House

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Precious Little Ones

Okay, I am posting two pictures of little guys that have STOLEN my heart!!!  I just HAVE to do something with this tugging at my hearstrings!!  Look at these two sweeties!!  Both little guys are listed with our agency and waiting for a home.  They have been waiting a long time.  I am posting because I would love to see them both find their families. 

This little guy's picture was posted last year.  He has a hip and leg deformity and is unable to walk.  Our agency has two videos of him from when he was two, he is three now!!  He is precious!!!

This little 2 year old guy has Down's Syndrome and is just the sweetest little thing!!  I am in LOVE!!  Our agency also has a video of him and his personality shines through.

If you are interested in learning more about these guys or adoption in general, contact me.  Many children are waiting right now for their families!!  I have access to more info about these little ones and other children too and I can put you in touch with our agency!

P.S. God doesn't call everyone to adopt so maybe adoption is not for you but there are many ways to get involved.  The "Bring Olga home" button will take you to a wonderful site where you may sponsor the adoption of specific special needs children.  Adoption in many instances is very expensive.  Your donation could go a long way toward helping a family bring their son or daughter home. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I thought I would post an update on our little and not so little ones but will let the pictures to most of the talking. It is hard to believe we've been home from China for nearly 10 months!!

When Carey wants to do what the other kid are doing she says, "Please too, please too"

Reading time!

Maryland Science Museum!  What a fun day!!  Adam protecting his little sister from falling down the steps behind them.  Can you tell it is appreciated.  : )

Enjoying the fire!!

Comforting big sister!

Monkey Boy!

Suspension Bridge

"Eeeeeewwwww!!"  Says Carey.  She is gradually getting over her fear of insects.  : )

Catching Butterflies

The beloved bear statue.  Carey thought is was a cow.  We are still working on animal names. 

He loves this snake, all boy, need I say more?

My favorite kiddos!!

Not so sure about the sand.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Blessed again

When we first saw Carey's picture, she had a diagnosis of spina bifida listed beneath her photo.  We had been researching special needs and spina bifida seemed to keep reappearing as a common medical need of children waiting.  I kept asking God, "Are you serious?"  I was nervous but kept being drawn to hear about yet another child with spina bifida.  There are quite a few complications that can and often do develop in kiddos with this special need.  Of specific concern for me was that I had seen profiles of some children that suddenly began to have difficulty with walking and continence which meant that this could potentially be a condition that could regress.  This seemed really scary to me but for some reason, I was still drawn to research and investigate the varying degrees in which it manifests itself.  I gradually was becoming more comfortable with the idea of having a child with hydrocephalus, trouble walking, unable to walk, and/or incontinence.  I already recounted the story of how we "knew" she was the one but there were some unknowns.  Despite those unknowns we were at peace but started preparing our minds for the worst.  Even if she didn't have any trouble currently, we knew that some children will develop problems as they wait for their families to come.  We submitted our paperwork requesting Pre-approval from the Chinese government feeling a strong sense of peace that she was to be our daughter.  A few weeks later, we received discharge information.  Still not as much info as we would have liked but the Dr. in the USA seemed to think she would be able to walk.  We wouldn't know whether she had tethered cord until we got her home and evaluated by neurosurgeon.

We are happy to report that she is doing great!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Happy Chinese New Year!!

We have been home for nearly 5 months.  Today I want to celebrate the progress I have seen over the last week!!!  One of our major desires is that Carrie would experience the Chinese culture while living immersed in our culture.  Yesterday, in honor of Chinese New Year, I pulled out the pictures of her orphanage, the nannies, her friends from China and her crib.  I realize she will likely forget all she has known of China but I do have a desire for her to keep some memories and I am hopeful that she has some happy memories from her first 18 months.  As I was asking her questions pointing at the caretakers, she started grabbing my arms and wrapping them around her.  She repeatedly looked at the pictures and then snuggled closer to me.  In her own way, she was telling me she wanted to be here with us. 

 Yes, little one we're so glad your ours and you're stuck with us. : )